Curation seminar at the University of Potsdam

Curation seminar at the University of Potsdam

Starting in the summer semester of 2019, the FilmFestival Cottbus, the Institute of Eastern Slavic Literatures and Cultures at the University of Potsdam and the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Eastern European Literatures) of European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) offer students the opportunity to curate a section of the festival.

Within the curation seminar the students learn basic curation techniques, make a film selection for the section and write catalogue texts. In addition, the students gain insights into the FFC’s PR and marketing activities.  During the 29th FilmFestival Cottbus the participants of the seminar will join the moderations and Q & A’s of the selected films, will interview the film makers and write film reviews. 

Project supervisors of the curation seminar are Irine Beridze and Christiane Schäfer, Academic Assistants at the Institute of Eastern Slavic Literatures and Cultures. FFC Programme Director Bernd Buder (FFC) will advise and also attend some sessions of the seminar.

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