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    [text] => Sofia Film Fest Bernd Buder, Program Director FilmFestival CottbusLilla Puskas, Medienboard Berlin-BrandenburgKatharina Stumm, connecting cottbusMarcus Rabelo, German FilmsMira Staleva, Director Sofia MeetingsStafan Kitanov, Director Sofia International Film Festival The "Sofia Meetings" also take place parallel to the Sofia International Film Festival. Filmmakers and producers come together here to present their new projects and show excerpts from films that are currently being completed.The audience includes festival…
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Sofia Film Fest Bernd Buder, Program Director FilmFestival CottbusLilla Puskas, Medienboard Berlin-BrandenburgKatharina Stumm, connecting cottbusMarcus Rabelo, German FilmsMira Staleva, Director Sofia MeetingsStafan Kitanov, Director Sofia International Film Festival The "Sofia Meetings" also take place parallel to the Sofia International Film Festival. Filmmakers and producers come together here to present their new projects and show excerpts from films that are currently being completed.The audience includes festival…
14. March 2024

Czech Lion Awards

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    [text] => Czech Lion AwardsThe cyberpunk science fiction film Restore Point by Robert Hloz received 4 awards, including Best Cinematography and Best Editing:Robert HlozCZ/SK/PL/RS, 2023, 107 Min2041: In the "Restore Points" - a backup technology for human lives - people who have died a violent death are revived. While investigating a double murder case, Detective Trochinowska stumbles upon a system of conspiracies, corruption and abuse of power…
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Czech Lion AwardsThe cyberpunk science fiction film Restore Point by Robert Hloz received 4 awards, including Best Cinematography and Best Editing:Robert HlozCZ/SK/PL/RS, 2023, 107 Min2041: In the "Restore Points" - a backup technology for human lives - people who have died a violent death are revived. While investigating a double murder case, Detective Trochinowska stumbles upon a system of conspiracies, corruption and abuse of power…
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The call for submissions for the festival will be open from  April 30th 2023. You are welcome to submit your film online. the link to the submission will be open then.
16. February 2024


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    [text] => Film and film festivals are bridge builders and platforms for dialogue. There must be no room for hatred, hate speech and marginalisation here. This was emphasised yesterday by Berlinale Managing Director Mariette Rissenbeek, Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth and Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner in their speeches at the ceremonial opening of the Berlinale. Humanity and cultural diversity are enormously important for a…
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Film and film festivals are bridge builders and platforms for dialogue. There must be no room for hatred, hate speech and marginalisation here. This was emphasised yesterday by Berlinale Managing Director Mariette Rissenbeek, Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth and Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner in their speeches at the ceremonial opening of the Berlinale. Humanity and cultural diversity are enormously important for a…
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    [text] => MIOB - Moving Images Open Borders - is a network of seven film festivals: FilmFestival Cottbus (DE)Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz (AT)Festival de Sevilla (ES)European Film Festival Palić (RS)Les Arcs European Film Festival (FR)Scanorama European Film Forum (LT)Trieste Film Festival (IT) A network meeting was recently held in Vienna to develop activities for the next two years. Current projects were discussed and new ideas for…
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MIOB - Moving Images Open Borders - is a network of seven film festivals: FilmFestival Cottbus (DE)Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz (AT)Festival de Sevilla (ES)European Film Festival Palić (RS)Les Arcs European Film Festival (FR)Scanorama European Film Forum (LT)Trieste Film Festival (IT) A network meeting was recently held in Vienna to develop activities for the next two years. Current projects were discussed and new ideas for…
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    [text] => Excellent films will be screened at the FilmFestival Cottbus! The Association of Czech Film Critics has honoured seven films this year: The animated film Tony, Shelly and the Magic Light by director Filip Pošivač won the Audiovisual Achievement Award and Pošivač received the Newcomer of the Year Award. The film was screened in the KIDS IN CINEMA section in 2023. Directors Ivan Ostrochovský and Pavol…
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Excellent films will be screened at the FilmFestival Cottbus! The Association of Czech Film Critics has honoured seven films this year: The animated film Tony, Shelly and the Magic Light by director Filip Pošivač won the Audiovisual Achievement Award and Pošivač received the Newcomer of the Year Award. The film was screened in the KIDS IN CINEMA section in 2023. Directors Ivan Ostrochovský and Pavol…
25. January 2024

When East Meets West

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    [text] => With over 500 guests, the co-production market "When East Meets West" at the Trieste Film Festival once again set a record number of participants.Here, the film projects of tomorrow were pitched and excerpts from new films were shown that will soon be screened at international film festivals - perhaps in Cottbus too? Projects were discussed, ideas exchanged and partnerships forged in lively conversations - a…
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With over 500 guests, the co-production market "When East Meets West" at the Trieste Film Festival once again set a record number of participants.Here, the film projects of tomorrow were pitched and excerpts from new films were shown that will soon be screened at international film festivals - perhaps in Cottbus too? Projects were discussed, ideas exchanged and partnerships forged in lively conversations - a…
stdClass Object
    [id] => 2124
    [title] => Saarbrücken and Trieste film festivals kick off Cottbus‘ scouting season
    [alias] => saarbruecken-und-triest-laeuten-die-cottbuser-recherchesaison-ein-2124
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    [introtext] => After the festival is before the festival - the preparatory phase for the 34th FFC (5-10 November 2024) starts at the beginning of the year, and with it the scouting season.Charlotte Kühn, curator of the youth film competition, will be at the Max Ophüls Preis film festival in Saarbrücken (20-28 January) to look for German entries for her section. The festival in Cottbus' twin city…
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    [text] => Margarita Stoykova, the lead actress in DYAD, which won the FFC Youth Film Competition, is one of the EUROPEAN SHOOTING STARS 2024. The European Film Promotion will present the ten selected actors at the upcoming Berlinale. In DYAD, Stoykova plays a high school student who will do anything to pay for a plane ticket to America to visit her mother, who has emigrated there. This…
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Margarita Stoykova, the lead actress in DYAD, which won the FFC Youth Film Competition, is one of the EUROPEAN SHOOTING STARS 2024. The European Film Promotion will present the ten selected actors at the upcoming Berlinale. In DYAD, Stoykova plays a high school student who will do anything to pay for a plane ticket to America to visit her mother, who has emigrated there. This…
11. December 2023

European Film Awards

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    [text] => On 9 December, the European Film Academy presented the European Film Awards in Berlin for the 39th time. In view of the current global crisis symptoms, the mood was reflective. German actress Sandra Hüller, who was honoured as Best Actress, called for a minute's silence for peace, while Polish filmmaker and EFA President Agnieszka Holland recalled the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the…
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On 9 December, the European Film Academy presented the European Film Awards in Berlin for the 39th time. In view of the current global crisis symptoms, the mood was reflective. German actress Sandra Hüller, who was honoured as Best Actress, called for a minute's silence for peace, while Polish filmmaker and EFA President Agnieszka Holland recalled the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the…
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    [id] => 2118
    [title] => Successful network meeting in Leipzig
    [alias] => erfolgreiches-netzwerktreffen-in-leipzig-2118
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    [introtext] => The end-of-year reception organised by Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM) is considered one of the most important networking events for the German film scene. Last week, they met in Leipzig's "Felsenkeller", including some representatives of the Lusatian film scene, pictured here are filmmaker Grit Lemke, filmmaker Erik Schiesko, the director of the Neisse Film Festival Ola Staszel, film and theatre scholar Cosima Stracke-Nawka and many others. FFC…
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    [text] => The Bulgarian production DYAD (Yana Titova, 2023, 89 min) wins the prize for best youth film at the 27. Black Nights Film Festival in Tallin. DYAD was also honoured at the 33rd FFC. The film centres on the teenager Dida. Dida bullies, steals and cheats on nude photos of her classmates to earn a plane ticket to a new life with her emigrant mother, but…
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The Bulgarian production DYAD (Yana Titova, 2023, 89 min) wins the prize for best youth film at the 27. Black Nights Film Festival in Tallin. DYAD was also honoured at the 33rd FFC. The film centres on the teenager Dida. Dida bullies, steals and cheats on nude photos of her classmates to earn a plane ticket to a new life with her emigrant mother, but…
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    [text] => Thank you for your donation 363,60 EUR were collected at the screening of the short film THE BOY at the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus. We are raising the amount to 500 EUR and sending the money to the family of Yahav Winner. In solidarity with Israel and as a tribute to the Israeli filmmaker Yahav Winner, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists, we screened his short…
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Thank you for your donation 363,60 EUR were collected at the screening of the short film THE BOY at the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus. We are raising the amount to 500 EUR and sending the money to the family of Yahav Winner. In solidarity with Israel and as a tribute to the Israeli filmmaker Yahav Winner, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists, we screened his short…
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    [text] => MONDAY The festival week began on Monday with the presentation of the first Lusatian child protection award, the Gondula Award, in our festival centre, the Stadthalle. This initiative was launched by Cottbus artist Martin Schüler. The prize money collected through donations totalling 10,331 euros was awarded after an online vote. First place went to the SOS Children's Village Lausitz, which received 5,731 euros. The Pusteblume…
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MONDAY The festival week began on Monday with the presentation of the first Lusatian child protection award, the Gondula Award, in our festival centre, the Stadthalle. This initiative was launched by Cottbus artist Martin Schüler. The prize money collected through donations totalling 10,331 euros was awarded after an online vote. First place went to the SOS Children's Village Lausitz, which received 5,731 euros. The Pusteblume…
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    [title] => The 33rd FFC on the streaming site Klassiki
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    [introtext] => The streaming portal Klassiki is the official online partner of the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus in the UK and the USA. Festival films can still be viewed there until 30 November, including the film THREE THOUSAND NUMBERED PIECES from the Feature Film competition. Interviews with the filmmakers and background articles can also be found on the Klassiki website.   Klassiki is a streaming portal that focuses…
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    [text] => The streaming portal Klassiki is the official online partner of the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus in the UK and the USA. Festival films can still be viewed there until 30 November, including the film THREE THOUSAND NUMBERED PIECES from the Feature Film competition. Interviews with the filmmakers and background articles can also be found on the Klassiki website.   Klassiki is a streaming portal that focuses…
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The streaming portal Klassiki is the official online partner of the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus in the UK and the USA. Festival films can still be viewed there until 30 November, including the film THREE THOUSAND NUMBERED PIECES from the Feature Film competition. Interviews with the filmmakers and background articles can also be found on the Klassiki website.   Klassiki is a streaming portal that focuses…
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    [text] => The films in the FFC series WAS VON GESCHICHTE ÜBRIG BLEIBT are going on tour. The following films can be seen at KINO KROKODIL in Berlin:Click here to go to the Krokodil website and get your tickets. The film series is supported by the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. Wednesday 15.11. 19.30Diary for my father and motherMárta Mészáros, HU, 1990, 111…
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The films in the FFC series WAS VON GESCHICHTE ÜBRIG BLEIBT are going on tour. The following films can be seen at KINO KROKODIL in Berlin:Click here to go to the Krokodil website and get your tickets. The film series is supported by the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. Wednesday 15.11. 19.30Diary for my father and motherMárta Mészáros, HU, 1990, 111…
12. November 2023

Festivalblog: Sunday

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    [introtext] => And here it is, the last day of the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus. However, great films are still being shown in all the venues today. A programme for the whole family is the brand new fairy tale film from rbb, DAS MÄRCHEN VON DER ZAUBERFLÖTE, which will be shown in the Stadthalle at 10 am.   Our opening film BEI UNS HEISST SIE HANKA by Grit…
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    [text] => And here it is, the last day of the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus. However, great films are still being shown in all the venues today. A programme for the whole family is the brand new fairy tale film from rbb, DAS MÄRCHEN VON DER ZAUBERFLÖTE, which will be shown in the Stadthalle at 10 am.   Our opening film BEI UNS HEISST SIE HANKA by Grit…
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And here it is, the last day of the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus. However, great films are still being shown in all the venues today. A programme for the whole family is the brand new fairy tale film from rbb, DAS MÄRCHEN VON DER ZAUBERFLÖTE, which will be shown in the Stadthalle at 10 am.   Our opening film BEI UNS HEISST SIE HANKA by Grit…
11. November 2023

Festivalblog: Saturday

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    [introtext] => Saturday is "Ukrainian Day" at the Cottbus FilmFestival. Seven of the ten films from Ukraine will be screened. PHOTOPHOBIA (1 pm in the Kammerbühne, double feature) shows the everyday life of two children in an underground tunnel in Kharkiv while the city's residents seek shelter from Russian bombs. YOU KNOW IT'S GOING TO BE ABOUT WAR is set in Kyiv (1 pm in the Kammerbühne,…
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    [text] => Saturday is "Ukrainian Day" at the Cottbus FilmFestival. Seven of the ten films from Ukraine will be screened. PHOTOPHOBIA (1 pm in the Kammerbühne, double feature) shows the everyday life of two children in an underground tunnel in Kharkiv while the city's residents seek shelter from Russian bombs. YOU KNOW IT'S GOING TO BE ABOUT WAR is set in Kyiv (1 pm in the Kammerbühne,…
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Saturday is "Ukrainian Day" at the Cottbus FilmFestival. Seven of the ten films from Ukraine will be screened. PHOTOPHOBIA (1 pm in the Kammerbühne, double feature) shows the everyday life of two children in an underground tunnel in Kharkiv while the city's residents seek shelter from Russian bombs. YOU KNOW IT'S GOING TO BE ABOUT WAR is set in Kyiv (1 pm in the Kammerbühne,…
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    [id] => 2097
    [title] => Festivalblog: Friday (Updated)
    [alias] => festivalmittwoch-filmtipps-und-eindruecke-2088-2090-2093-2096-2097
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    [introtext] => The fourth day of the FFC awaits today and there are great programme highlights to discover! For the second year in a row, the EcoEast series is showing films on ecological topics and sustainability. Aspects such as forestry in the Ukrainian Carpathians (BARTKA) and the melting Tujuksu glaciers in Kazakhstan (VOICE OF THE GLACIER) are the focus of the programme. The documentary film BOTTLEMEN will…
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    [text] => The fourth day of the FFC awaits today and there are great programme highlights to discover! For the second year in a row, the EcoEast series is showing films on ecological topics and sustainability. Aspects such as forestry in the Ukrainian Carpathians (BARTKA) and the melting Tujuksu glaciers in Kazakhstan (VOICE OF THE GLACIER) are the focus of the programme. The documentary film BOTTLEMEN will…
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The fourth day of the FFC awaits today and there are great programme highlights to discover! For the second year in a row, the EcoEast series is showing films on ecological topics and sustainability. Aspects such as forestry in the Ukrainian Carpathians (BARTKA) and the melting Tujuksu glaciers in Kazakhstan (VOICE OF THE GLACIER) are the focus of the programme. The documentary film BOTTLEMEN will…
08. November 2023

Festivalblog: Thursday

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    [introtext] => We are in the middle of the 33rd FFC and there are great event scheduled today. In the evening, a true highlight awaits you with the first Long Night of the Short Lusatians. At 7pm and 9pm there will be a total of ten films from and about Lusatia. BADEN GEHEN (Clemens Schiesko und Matthias Heine) ANKLEIDEZIMMER/HOBLEKAŔNJE (Frauke Rahr) VOM SUCHEN UND FINDEN/PYTAŚ A NAMAKAŚ…
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    [text] => We are in the middle of the 33rd FFC and there are great event scheduled today. In the evening, a true highlight awaits you with the first Long Night of the Short Lusatians. At 7pm and 9pm there will be a total of ten films from and about Lusatia. BADEN GEHEN (Clemens Schiesko und Matthias Heine) ANKLEIDEZIMMER/HOBLEKAŔNJE (Frauke Rahr) VOM SUCHEN UND FINDEN/PYTAŚ A NAMAKAŚ…
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We are in the middle of the 33rd FFC and there are great event scheduled today. In the evening, a true highlight awaits you with the first Long Night of the Short Lusatians. At 7pm and 9pm there will be a total of ten films from and about Lusatia. BADEN GEHEN (Clemens Schiesko und Matthias Heine) ANKLEIDEZIMMER/HOBLEKAŔNJE (Frauke Rahr) VOM SUCHEN UND FINDEN/PYTAŚ A NAMAKAŚ…
08. November 2023

Festivalblog: Wednesday

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    [introtext] => The opening ceremony of the 33rd FFC took place yesterday. Many thanks to all guests, participants and sponsors. It was a great start to our festival week! Mayor Tobias Schick with the FFC student jury Programme director Bernd Buder in conversation with presenter Attila Weidemann    Director Grit Lemke and protagonists of the opening film BEI UNS HEISST SIE HANKA/PLA NAS GRONJE JEJ HANKA /…
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    [text] => The opening ceremony of the 33rd FFC took place yesterday. Many thanks to all guests, participants and sponsors. It was a great start to our festival week! Mayor Tobias Schick with the FFC student jury Programme director Bernd Buder in conversation with presenter Attila Weidemann    Director Grit Lemke and protagonists of the opening film BEI UNS HEISST SIE HANKA/PLA NAS GRONJE JEJ HANKA /…
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The opening ceremony of the 33rd FFC took place yesterday. Many thanks to all guests, participants and sponsors. It was a great start to our festival week! Mayor Tobias Schick with the FFC student jury Programme director Bernd Buder in conversation with presenter Attila Weidemann    Director Grit Lemke and protagonists of the opening film BEI UNS HEISST SIE HANKA/PLA NAS GRONJE JEJ HANKA /…
07. November 2023

Festivalblog: Tuesday

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    [title] => Festivalblog: Tuesday
    [alias] => festivalmittwoch-filmtipps-und-eindruecke-2088-2089
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    [introtext] => At last, the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus begins today! The FFC will be officially opened at 7pm in the Cottbus State Theatre. Admission is by invitation only. But great films from our programme will already be showing in all venues from 5 pm! You can buy tickets online on our website and at the venues themselves. Simply click on the respective film title!   A real…
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    [text] => At last, the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus begins today! The FFC will be officially opened at 7pm in the Cottbus State Theatre. Admission is by invitation only. But great films from our programme will already be showing in all venues from 5 pm! You can buy tickets online on our website and at the venues themselves. Simply click on the respective film title!   A real…
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At last, the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus begins today! The FFC will be officially opened at 7pm in the Cottbus State Theatre. Admission is by invitation only. But great films from our programme will already be showing in all venues from 5 pm! You can buy tickets online on our website and at the venues themselves. Simply click on the respective film title!   A real…
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    [text] => Previously untold stories or new perspectives on the familiar - that's what our documentary films offer you this year. Tickets are available in advance up to and including 6 November and then at the venues!   Here is an overview (details and ticket purchase possible by clicking on the film title):   Russia vs. Lawyers (Masha Novikova DE/NL, 2023, 89 Min) The Constitution of Russia guarantees…
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Previously untold stories or new perspectives on the familiar - that's what our documentary films offer you this year. Tickets are available in advance up to and including 6 November and then at the venues!   Here is an overview (details and ticket purchase possible by clicking on the film title):   Russia vs. Lawyers (Masha Novikova DE/NL, 2023, 89 Min) The Constitution of Russia guarantees…
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    [text] => The Saturday of the festival is "Ukrainian Day" at the Cottbus Film Festival. Seven of the ten films from Ukraine can be seen on 11 November. As in the previous year, free admission to all films in the FFC programme on this day is available on presentation of a valid Ukrainian passport at the box office. With a total of ten films, the FFC is…
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The Saturday of the festival is "Ukrainian Day" at the Cottbus Film Festival. Seven of the ten films from Ukraine can be seen on 11 November. As in the previous year, free admission to all films in the FFC programme on this day is available on presentation of a valid Ukrainian passport at the box office. With a total of ten films, the FFC is…
03. November 2023

"Love" at the 33rd FFC

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    [text] => The theme of love in all its facets can be seen in several films at the 33rd FFC. Here is an overview (details and ticket purchase possible by clicking on the film title):   Island (Rudolf Havlik Tschechische Republik, 2023, 100 Min) Romcom in picturesque setting: a conflicted married couple has to get it together again in order to survive after a plane crash on…
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The theme of love in all its facets can be seen in several films at the 33rd FFC. Here is an overview (details and ticket purchase possible by clicking on the film title):   Island (Rudolf Havlik Tschechische Republik, 2023, 100 Min) Romcom in picturesque setting: a conflicted married couple has to get it together again in order to survive after a plane crash on…
02. November 2023

"Family" at the 33rd FFC

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    [introtext] => Many of our films this year focus on the family - and yet they are completely different. From drama to sci-fi to thriller, these films are real highlights in our programme! Here is an overview (details and ticket purchase possible via click on the film title):   Tamara (Jonas Ludwig Walter DE, 2023, 97 Min) At some point Tamara left – away from her East German…
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    [created] => 2023-11-02 14:50:14
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    [text] => Many of our films this year focus on the family - and yet they are completely different. From drama to sci-fi to thriller, these films are real highlights in our programme! Here is an overview (details and ticket purchase possible via click on the film title):   Tamara (Jonas Ludwig Walter DE, 2023, 97 Min) At some point Tamara left – away from her East German…
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Many of our films this year focus on the family - and yet they are completely different. From drama to sci-fi to thriller, these films are real highlights in our programme! Here is an overview (details and ticket purchase possible via click on the film title):   Tamara (Jonas Ludwig Walter DE, 2023, 97 Min) At some point Tamara left – away from her East German…
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    [introtext] => Programme Director Bernd Buder will present the film OTAC/Father (SRB 2020, R: Srdan Golubović, 120 min, OmU) at the travelling cinema "Kino für Moabit" on Friday, 27 October at 7 pm. The event will take place in the Old Lecture Hall of the Moabit Hospital (GSZM). You can read more about the film here. The event is part of the series GEHEN. Screenwriter Ognjen Sviličić…
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    [text] => Programme Director Bernd Buder will present the film OTAC/Father (SRB 2020, R: Srdan Golubović, 120 min, OmU) at the travelling cinema "Kino für Moabit" on Friday, 27 October at 7 pm. The event will take place in the Old Lecture Hall of the Moabit Hospital (GSZM). You can read more about the film here. The event is part of the series GEHEN. Screenwriter Ognjen Sviličić…
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Programme Director Bernd Buder will present the film OTAC/Father (SRB 2020, R: Srdan Golubović, 120 min, OmU) at the travelling cinema "Kino für Moabit" on Friday, 27 October at 7 pm. The event will take place in the Old Lecture Hall of the Moabit Hospital (GSZM). You can read more about the film here. The event is part of the series GEHEN. Screenwriter Ognjen Sviličić…
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    [text] => The opening film of the 32nd FFC, LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG, will be screened at ACUD Kino in Berlin on 28 October at 21:00. LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG by director Antonio Lukich is about twin brothers Kolya and Vasya who take an adventurous road trip to Luxembourg when news reaches them that their father is dying there. Read more about the film here. A number of Georgian films will also…
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    [text] => Dear friends of the FFC, Ticket sales for the 33rd FFC will officially start today. As of now, you have an overview of the approximately 150 productions in our programme. In the section overview you will find the films of the 11 sections of the FilmFestival Cottbus at a glance. Read detailed film descriptions and for many films you can also see the trailer. The…
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Dear friends of the FFC, Ticket sales for the 33rd FFC will officially start today. As of now, you have an overview of the approximately 150 productions in our programme. In the section overview you will find the films of the 11 sections of the FilmFestival Cottbus at a glance. Read detailed film descriptions and for many films you can also see the trailer. The…
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    [title] => MIOB IN SHORTS AWARD - voting starts
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    [introtext] => Watch & Vote At the 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus the MIOB in Shorts Award will be presented again. YOU can vote which film will win the award! 1. click here to go directly to the MIOB website 2. vote for the film you like the most You can watch all the films for free. MIOB ist ein Netzwerk aus sieben europäischen Filmfestivals und wurde 2017 gegründet.…
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    [rawTitle] => MIOB IN SHORTS AWARD - voting starts
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