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06. November 2024
Festivalblog: Sunday
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2239 [title] => Festivalblog: Sunday [alias] => festivaldienstag-filmtipps-und-eindruecke-2088-2226-2230-2232-2234-2238-2239 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The last day of the 34th FilmFestival Cottbus has started. Here you can find all the news, information and updates about the festival. LIST OF ALL AWARD WINNERS OF THE 34TH COTTBUS FILM FESTIVAL Competition Feature Film Main prize for the best film - WHEN THE PHONE RANG (Iva Radivojević, RS/USA, 2024) The main prize, endowed with EUR 15,000, is donated by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. 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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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The last day of the 34th FilmFestival Cottbus has started. Here you can find all the news, information and updates about the festival. LIST OF ALL AWARD WINNERS OF THE 34TH COTTBUS FILM FESTIVAL Competition Feature Film Main prize for the best film - WHEN THE PHONE RANG (Iva Radivojević, RS/USA, 2024) The main prize, endowed with EUR 15,000, is donated by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. The…
06. November 2024
Festivalblog: Saturday
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2235 [title] => Festivalblog: Saturday [alias] => festivaldienstag-filmtipps-und-eindruecke-2088-2226-2230-2232-2234-2235 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The second last day of the 34th FilmFestival Cottbus has started. Here you can find all the news, information and updates about the festival. The festival weekend has many highlights to offer. The Łužyca Shorts start at 12 noon in the Gladhouse, followed by the SlowTalk on the future of Sorbian media at 2 pm. The Ukrainian Day offers free admission for Ukrainian citizens. 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Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, 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Here you can find all the news, information and updates about the festival. The festival weekend has many highlights to offer. The Łužyca Shorts start at 12 noon in the Gladhouse, followed by the SlowTalk on the future of Sorbian media at 2 pm. The Ukrainian Day offers free admission for Ukrainian citizens. ZINEMA (UA/LU, 2024, 80 min) is the… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/88b72442fc378fc76c587ff81f25e63a_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/88b72442fc378fc76c587ff81f25e63a_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/88b72442fc378fc76c587ff81f25e63a_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/88b72442fc378fc76c587ff81f25e63a_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
The second last day of the 34th FilmFestival Cottbus has started. Here you can find all the news, information and updates about the festival. The festival weekend has many highlights to offer. The Łužyca Shorts start at 12 noon in the Gladhouse, followed by the SlowTalk on the future of Sorbian media at 2 pm. The Ukrainian Day offers free admission for Ukrainian citizens. ZINEMA (UA/LU, 2024, 80 min) is the…
06. November 2024
Festivalblog: Friday
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The festival Friday begins with a hit at 10 a.m. in the Obenkino: in the thriller GUARDIANS OF THE FORMULA(Dragan Bjelogrlić RS, SI, MK, ME, 2023, 120 min), four Yugoslavian researchers are irradiated during a secret nuclear experiment in 1958 - their last hope… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-11-08 09:38:04 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-11-08 09:49:36 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-11-06 09:15:57 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1117 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 9 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 44 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 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ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, 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Tag des 34. FilmFestival Cottbus ist gestartet. Hier gibt es alle News, Infos und Updates rund ums Festival. The festival Friday begins with a hit at 10 a.m. in the Obenkino: in the thriller GUARDIANS OF THE FORMULA(Dragan Bjelogrlić RS, SI, MK, ME, 2023, 120 min), four Yugoslavian researchers are irradiated during a secret nuclear experiment in 1958 - their last hope… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/35dd5c58d7c99f9f7b9326c4c9a0b6a4_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/35dd5c58d7c99f9f7b9326c4c9a0b6a4_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/35dd5c58d7c99f9f7b9326c4c9a0b6a4_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/35dd5c58d7c99f9f7b9326c4c9a0b6a4_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Der 4. Tag des 34. FilmFestival Cottbus ist gestartet. Hier gibt es alle News, Infos und Updates rund ums Festival. The festival Friday begins with a hit at 10 a.m. in the Obenkino: in the thriller GUARDIANS OF THE FORMULA(Dragan Bjelogrlić RS, SI, MK, ME, 2023, 120 min), four Yugoslavian researchers are irradiated during a secret nuclear experiment in 1958 - their last hope…
06. November 2024
Festivalblog: Thursday
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2231 [title] => Festivalblog: Thursday [alias] => festivaldienstag-filmtipps-und-eindruecke-2088-2226-2230-2231 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Der 3. Tag des 34. FilmFestival Cottbus ist gestartet. Hier gibt es alle News, Infos und Updates rund ums Festival. From Thursday lunchtime, the Gladhouse will screen the films ORDINARY FAILURES(Cristina Groșan CZ, HU, IT, SK / 2022 / 84 min) at 12:30 pm, YEAR OF THE WIDOW (Veronika Lišková CZ, SK, HR / 2024 / 109 min) at 15: 00 and TINY LIGHTS (Beata Parkanová CZ, SK… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-11-07 10:31:03 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-11-07 15:54:23 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-11-06 09:15:57 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1118 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 2 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 50 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] 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в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] 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Tag des 34. FilmFestival Cottbus ist gestartet. Hier gibt es alle News, Infos und Updates rund ums Festival. From Thursday lunchtime, the Gladhouse will screen the films ORDINARY FAILURES(Cristina Groșan CZ, HU, IT, SK / 2022 / 84 min) at 12:30 pm, YEAR OF THE WIDOW (Veronika Lišková CZ, SK, HR / 2024 / 109 min) at 15: 00 and TINY LIGHTS (Beata Parkanová CZ, SK… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/cdaf81e699deb247c8a8405f9c5f35da_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/cdaf81e699deb247c8a8405f9c5f35da_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/cdaf81e699deb247c8a8405f9c5f35da_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/cdaf81e699deb247c8a8405f9c5f35da_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Der 3. Tag des 34. FilmFestival Cottbus ist gestartet. Hier gibt es alle News, Infos und Updates rund ums Festival. From Thursday lunchtime, the Gladhouse will screen the films ORDINARY FAILURES(Cristina Groșan CZ, HU, IT, SK / 2022 / 84 min) at 12:30 pm, YEAR OF THE WIDOW (Veronika Lišková CZ, SK, HR / 2024 / 109 min) at 15: 00 and TINY LIGHTS (Beata Parkanová CZ, SK…
06. November 2024
Festivalblog: Wednesday
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2229 [title] => Festivalblog: Wednesday [alias] => festivaldienstag-filmtipps-und-eindruecke-2088-2226-2229 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The first full day of the 34th FilmFestival Cottbus has started. Here you can find all the news, information and updates about the festival. The documentary film AURORA'S SUNRISE (DE/AM, 2022, 97 min) will provide insights into recent Armenian history at 1 pm in the Kammerbühne. The screening will be followed by a masterclass with director Inna Sahakyan at 3 pm, moderated by Bernd Buder.… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-11-06 10:42:09 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-11-06 15:58:50 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-11-06 09:15:57 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1119 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 11 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 49 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Here you can find all the news, information and updates about the festival. The documentary film AURORA'S SUNRISE (DE/AM, 2022, 97 min) will provide insights into recent Armenian history at 1 pm in the Kammerbühne. The screening will be followed by a masterclass with director Inna Sahakyan at 3 pm, moderated by Bernd Buder.… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/83dd83a59a83e60761951481f5cd34e2_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/83dd83a59a83e60761951481f5cd34e2_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/83dd83a59a83e60761951481f5cd34e2_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/83dd83a59a83e60761951481f5cd34e2_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
The first full day of the 34th FilmFestival Cottbus has started. Here you can find all the news, information and updates about the festival. The documentary film AURORA'S SUNRISE (DE/AM, 2022, 97 min) will provide insights into recent Armenian history at 1 pm in the Kammerbühne. The screening will be followed by a masterclass with director Inna Sahakyan at 3 pm, moderated by Bernd Buder.…
05. November 2024
Festivalblog: Tuesday
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2223 [title] => Festivalblog: Tuesday [alias] => festivaldienstag-filmtipps-und-eindruecke-2088 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Film off in Cottbus! The 34th FilmFestival Cottbus is in the starting blocks. The opening ceremony will take place in the evening at 7 pm in the Cottbus State Theatre. But the best new films from Eastern and Central Europe will already be showing in our venues from 4.30 pm. Here are a few programme tips: The opening film of the FFC, MY LATE… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-11-05 10:22:37 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-11-05 16:13:02 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-11-05 09:15:57 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1109 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 13 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 44 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, 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The 34th FilmFestival Cottbus is in the starting blocks. The opening ceremony will take place in the evening at 7 pm in the Cottbus State Theatre. But the best new films from Eastern and Central Europe will already be showing in our venues from 4.30 pm. Here are a few programme tips: The opening film of the FFC, MY LATE… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/9a66dc56985e2f5f7def2f0d1f5e67f5_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/9a66dc56985e2f5f7def2f0d1f5e67f5_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/9a66dc56985e2f5f7def2f0d1f5e67f5_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/9a66dc56985e2f5f7def2f0d1f5e67f5_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Film off in Cottbus! The 34th FilmFestival Cottbus is in the starting blocks. The opening ceremony will take place in the evening at 7 pm in the Cottbus State Theatre. But the best new films from Eastern and Central Europe will already be showing in our venues from 4.30 pm. Here are a few programme tips: The opening film of the FFC, MY LATE…
04. November 2024
Programme director Bernd Buder at DOK Leipzig
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2220 [title] => Programme director Bernd Buder at DOK Leipzig [alias] => programme-director-bernd-buder-at-dok-leipzig [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => DOK Leipzig, probably Germany's most renowned festival for documentary and animated films, took place from 28 October to 3 November. In addition to the carefully curated film programme, there were numerous networking activities, panels and project presentations for the industry. Five new Ukrainian documentary films took centre stage in the ‘works-in-progress’ presentation. These true-to-life and creative projects impressively convey what it means to live in… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-11-04 10:02:30 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2024-11-04 10:02:30 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1381 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 441 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 44 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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In addition to the carefully curated film programme, there were numerous networking activities, panels and project presentations for the industry. Five new Ukrainian documentary films took centre stage in the ‘works-in-progress’ presentation. These true-to-life and creative projects impressively convey what it means to live in… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/7023db74bcc98ff6947a204db38bf30c_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/7023db74bcc98ff6947a204db38bf30c_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/7023db74bcc98ff6947a204db38bf30c_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/7023db74bcc98ff6947a204db38bf30c_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
DOK Leipzig, probably Germany's most renowned festival for documentary and animated films, took place from 28 October to 3 November. In addition to the carefully curated film programme, there were numerous networking activities, panels and project presentations for the industry. Five new Ukrainian documentary films took centre stage in the ‘works-in-progress’ presentation. These true-to-life and creative projects impressively convey what it means to live in…
29. October 2024
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2212 [title] => COUNTDOWN! [alias] => countdown-202410291259 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => One week until the FFC! Exactly TODAY, in one week's time, the grand opening of the 34th Cottbus Film Festival will take place at the Staatstheater Cottbus. Watch out! This event is for invited guests only. At the same time, the opening film ‘MY LATE SUMMER’ will also be shown for everyone in the Stadthalle. As always, you can get tickets from CottbusService, on here… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-10-29 12:54:22 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-10-29 13:01:55 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-10-29 12:54:22 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1379 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 439 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 74 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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[author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 803 [name] => Marthe Gärtner [username] => Marthe [email] => m.gaertner@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$iXL.eRKl5xcCYRKP0SMVzuwgkj7dbEPeLJdDQXweWY0mJgCwth3Vy [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2024-09-03 06:13:40 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-11-12 12:36:26 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/803-marthegartner.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/b238405d1997f48213062d34f2b37884?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 12 [gender] => n [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => One week until the FFC! Exactly TODAY, in one week's time, the grand opening of the 34th Cottbus Film Festival will take place at the Staatstheater Cottbus. Watch out! This event is for invited guests only. At the same time, the opening film ‘MY LATE SUMMER’ will also be shown for everyone in the Stadthalle. As always, you can get tickets from CottbusService, on here… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b411ca46741f9a43a0338b6571da4089_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b411ca46741f9a43a0338b6571da4089_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b411ca46741f9a43a0338b6571da4089_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/b411ca46741f9a43a0338b6571da4089_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
One week until the FFC! Exactly TODAY, in one week's time, the grand opening of the 34th Cottbus Film Festival will take place at the Staatstheater Cottbus. Watch out! This event is for invited guests only. At the same time, the opening film ‘MY LATE SUMMER’ will also be shown for everyone in the Stadthalle. As always, you can get tickets from CottbusService, on here…
22. October 2024
Short Film Jury 2024
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2209 [title] => Short Film Jury 2024 [alias] => short-film-jury-2024 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The short film jury of the FilmFestival Cottbus 2024 brings together three outstanding filmmakers: Szilárd Bernáth (HU): director whose debut film LARRY 2022 was honoured with two awards in Cottbus. He is currently working on his second feature film in Berlin. Eglė Vertelytė (LT): Screenwriter and director whose feature film MIRACLE screened at over 50 festivals. She is working on other films such as 9th… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-10-22 13:39:43 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-10-28 09:18:26 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-10-22 13:39:43 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1376 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 16 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 98 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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The short film jury of the FilmFestival Cottbus 2024 brings together three outstanding filmmakers: Szilárd Bernáth (HU): director whose debut film LARRY 2022 was honoured with two awards in Cottbus. He is currently working on his second feature film in Berlin. Eglė Vertelytė (LT): Screenwriter and director whose feature film MIRACLE screened at over 50 festivals. She is working on other films such as 9th…
22. October 2024
International Festival Jury 2024
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These jury members come from different areas of the film industry, including directing, production, screenwriting and film criticism, and bring a… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-10-22 12:48:38 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-10-22 13:00:34 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-10-22 12:48:38 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1374 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 436 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 116 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 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ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, 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These jury members come from different areas of the film industry, including directing, production, screenwriting and film criticism, and bring a… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/e1a5260e14d121b13781ae5a05e2a9ed_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/e1a5260e14d121b13781ae5a05e2a9ed_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/e1a5260e14d121b13781ae5a05e2a9ed_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/e1a5260e14d121b13781ae5a05e2a9ed_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
A first look at our International Festival Jury 2024! The international festival jury of FilmFestival Cottbus 2024 brings together experts from all over the world who, with their extensive knowledge and passion for film, contribute significantly to the selection of the festival's best entries. These jury members come from different areas of the film industry, including directing, production, screenwriting and film criticism, and bring a…
10. October 2024
Pickastory - Time to vote!
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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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PLEASE VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE LOGLINE BELOW BY 7 NOVEMBER AT MIDNIGHT. The AWARD will be announced during the FilmFestival Cottbus ceremony on 9 November. To Voting! [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/0a741b7aed59c9709bbd5a2b3f579852_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/0a741b7aed59c9709bbd5a2b3f579852_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/0a741b7aed59c9709bbd5a2b3f579852_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/0a741b7aed59c9709bbd5a2b3f579852_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Pickastory is a competition at the FilmFestival Cottbus created 5 years ago, focused on the basic idea for a film, involving YOU, THE AUDIENCE from the very beginning. PLEASE VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE LOGLINE BELOW BY 7 NOVEMBER AT MIDNIGHT. The AWARD will be announced during the FilmFestival Cottbus ceremony on 9 November. To Voting!
17. October 2024
Bernd Buder at the "European Work in Progress"
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2202 [title] => Bernd Buder at the "European Work in Progress" [alias] => bernd-buder-at-the-european-work-in-progress [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The ‘European Work In Progress’ took place for the 6th time in Cologne, parallel to the Film Festival Cologne. A total of 29 very different projects were presented - from a Dutch zombie film and a Serbian project to a violent scandal in a Christian Orthodox drug detention centre and a Norwegian scout adventure film. Bernd Buder, FFC programme director, liked the selection: "Very different… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-10-17 10:10:31 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2024-10-17 10:10:31 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1371 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 435 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 93 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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A total of 29 very different projects were presented - from a Dutch zombie film and a Serbian project to a violent scandal in a Christian Orthodox drug detention centre and a Norwegian scout adventure film. Bernd Buder, FFC programme director, liked the selection: "Very different… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/847d4f8f78df52b30767967b49258369_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/847d4f8f78df52b30767967b49258369_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/847d4f8f78df52b30767967b49258369_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/847d4f8f78df52b30767967b49258369_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
The ‘European Work In Progress’ took place for the 6th time in Cologne, parallel to the Film Festival Cologne. A total of 29 very different projects were presented - from a Dutch zombie film and a Serbian project to a violent scandal in a Christian Orthodox drug detention centre and a Norwegian scout adventure film. Bernd Buder, FFC programme director, liked the selection: "Very different…
16. October 2024
FFC Trailer 2024 is here!
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2201 [title] => FFC Trailer 2024 is here! [alias] => the-ffc-trailer-is-here [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Festival trailer 2024 for the Cottbus Film Festival To the trailer: https://youtu.be/w9G4iPFTxsI Credits: In co-production with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Cast: Antonia Holfelder & Sarah Palarczyk & Helen Wendt & Matthias Greupner & Ferhat Keskin & Vahan Amolikyan (thanks to Agentur Schreiber) Crew: Producer: Robin Keanu Stumm Director + Concept: Mimi Zak Cinematography: Melanie Macher Production Design: Peter Schlickmann Costume design: Jaroslava… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-10-16 10:21:00 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-10-21 09:12:33 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-10-16 10:21:00 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1370 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 434 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Festival trailer 2024 for the Cottbus Film Festival To the trailer: https://youtu.be/w9G4iPFTxsI Credits: In co-production with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Cast: Antonia Holfelder & Sarah Palarczyk & Helen Wendt & Matthias Greupner & Ferhat Keskin & Vahan Amolikyan (thanks to Agentur Schreiber) Crew: Producer: Robin Keanu Stumm Director + Concept: Mimi Zak Cinematography: Melanie Macher Production Design: Peter Schlickmann Costume design: Jaroslava…
15. October 2024
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2199 [title] => THE PROGRAMM IS NOW ONLINE! [alias] => the-programm-is-now-online [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The programme for the 2024 FilmFestival Cottbus is now online! Explore all the films and look forward to engaging discussions with the directors. Tickets are available from today, 15th October, on our website under PROGRAMME-SECTIONS-FILMS. Join us from 5th–10th November 2024! 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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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The programme for the 2024 FilmFestival Cottbus is now online! Explore all the films and look forward to engaging discussions with the directors. Tickets are available from today, 15th October, on our website under PROGRAMME-SECTIONS-FILMS. Join us from 5th–10th November 2024!
14. October 2024
Tickets online from tomorrow!
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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, 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[author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 803 [name] => Marthe Gärtner [username] => Marthe [email] => m.gaertner@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$iXL.eRKl5xcCYRKP0SMVzuwgkj7dbEPeLJdDQXweWY0mJgCwth3Vy [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2024-09-03 06:13:40 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-11-12 12:36:26 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/803-marthegartner.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/b238405d1997f48213062d34f2b37884?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 12 [gender] => n [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => Tickets for the 34th FilmFestival Cottbus 2024 The film programme can be viewed online from tomorrow and tickets are available in advance. Online here on the website, at CottbusService (Berliner Platz 6, Stadthalle, 03046 Cottbus, Tel.: 0355 7542444) and at the festival : at the box offices in the venues. Advance booking prices (up to and including 04.11.2024): Standard ticket: EUR 6.00 5-ticket: 24,00… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4871edc72c8925d024a55a86241dbd48_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4871edc72c8925d024a55a86241dbd48_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4871edc72c8925d024a55a86241dbd48_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/4871edc72c8925d024a55a86241dbd48_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Tickets for the 34th FilmFestival Cottbus 2024 The film programme can be viewed online from tomorrow and tickets are available in advance. Online here on the website, at CottbusService (Berliner Platz 6, Stadthalle, 03046 Cottbus, Tel.: 0355 7542444) and at the festival : at the box offices in the venues. Advance booking prices (up to and including 04.11.2024): Standard ticket: EUR 6.00 5-ticket: 24,00…
10. October 2024
Educational programme at the FFC - Franz Kafka
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2195 [title] => Educational programme at the FFC - Franz Kafka [alias] => educational-programme-at-the-ffc-franz-kafka [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => ? Workshop for school classes from level 9 for the Kafka Year 2024! ?? The FilmFestival Cottbus, in cooperation with the German Cultural Forum for Eastern Europe, invites you to take part in the workshop on the documentary film FRANZ KAFKA - LOST IN FAME. Rediscover the myth of Kafka and immerse yourself in a fascinating mixture of literature and film aesthetics! ? ? 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ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Workshop for school classes from level 9 for the Kafka Year 2024! ?? The FilmFestival Cottbus, in cooperation with the German Cultural Forum for Eastern Europe, invites you to take part in the workshop on the documentary film FRANZ KAFKA - LOST IN FAME. Rediscover the myth of Kafka and immerse yourself in a fascinating mixture of literature and film aesthetics! ? ? Wednesday,… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/20de757c22c223669137e452488fb41e_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/20de757c22c223669137e452488fb41e_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/20de757c22c223669137e452488fb41e_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/20de757c22c223669137e452488fb41e_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
? Workshop for school classes from level 9 for the Kafka Year 2024! ?? The FilmFestival Cottbus, in cooperation with the German Cultural Forum for Eastern Europe, invites you to take part in the workshop on the documentary film FRANZ KAFKA - LOST IN FAME. Rediscover the myth of Kafka and immerse yourself in a fascinating mixture of literature and film aesthetics! ? ? Wednesday,…
09. October 2024
Children´s film - the films
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2191 [title] => Children´s film - the films [alias] => children-s-film-the-films [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Children´s film This year, our young guests can once again look forward to a colourful programme full of exciting films! On Sunday we also invite you to the big children's party in the Stadthalle from 10 a.m., with face painting and creative craft activities. Get your tickets for all films in advance now. The link will take you directly to the entire offer and to… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-10-09 14:02:24 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-10-09 14:20:09 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-10-09 14:02:24 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1358 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 426 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 72 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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On Sunday we also invite you to the big children's party in the Stadthalle from 10 a.m., with face painting and creative craft activities. Get your tickets for all films in advance now. The link will take you directly to the entire offer and to… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f471aeb5e8a92fbd198464dedf5ef682_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f471aeb5e8a92fbd198464dedf5ef682_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f471aeb5e8a92fbd198464dedf5ef682_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/f471aeb5e8a92fbd198464dedf5ef682_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Children´s film This year, our young guests can once again look forward to a colourful programme full of exciting films! On Sunday we also invite you to the big children's party in the Stadthalle from 10 a.m., with face painting and creative craft activities. Get your tickets for all films in advance now. The link will take you directly to the entire offer and to…
27. September 2024
Bernd Buder at the Polish Film Festival Gdynia
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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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This is where the Polish film scene meets to exchange ideas and argue - so the extensive competition here becomes a much-discussed political issue every year: who is taking part, who is not, and why? There is also a short film competition, the… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/d5f89b34cca3dc6d6231e74f5804d955_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/d5f89b34cca3dc6d6231e74f5804d955_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/d5f89b34cca3dc6d6231e74f5804d955_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/d5f89b34cca3dc6d6231e74f5804d955_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
The Gdynia Film Festival, Poland's traditional national film festival, is being held for the 49th time in the Baltic city of Gdynia. This is where the Polish film scene meets to exchange ideas and argue - so the extensive competition here becomes a much-discussed political issue every year: who is taking part, who is not, and why? There is also a short film competition, the…
26. September 2024
It's five minutes to twelve - Bernd Buder in Kłodzko
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2185 [title] => It's five minutes to twelve - Bernd Buder in Kłodzko [alias] => fuenf-vor-zwoelf [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Bernd Buder: ‘On my way from Finále Pilsen to the Gdynia Film Festival, I passed through Kłodzko, which was particularly hard hit by the flood disaster a fortnight ago. The small town in Lower Silesia was the location for Małgorzata Szumowska and Michał Englert's latest film WOMAN OF (Poland, Sweden 2023), a dark biography of transvestites in the Polish provinces from socialism to the present… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-09-26 13:16:37 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-09-26 13:21:56 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-09-26 13:16:37 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1352 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 421 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 91 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 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The small town in Lower Silesia was the location for Małgorzata Szumowska and Michał Englert's latest film WOMAN OF (Poland, Sweden 2023), a dark biography of transvestites in the Polish provinces from socialism to the present… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/e45ccd1c0bf45be3d998a64c82246c0e_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/e45ccd1c0bf45be3d998a64c82246c0e_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/e45ccd1c0bf45be3d998a64c82246c0e_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/e45ccd1c0bf45be3d998a64c82246c0e_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Bernd Buder: ‘On my way from Finále Pilsen to the Gdynia Film Festival, I passed through Kłodzko, which was particularly hard hit by the flood disaster a fortnight ago. The small town in Lower Silesia was the location for Małgorzata Szumowska and Michał Englert's latest film WOMAN OF (Poland, Sweden 2023), a dark biography of transvestites in the Polish provinces from socialism to the present…
25. September 2024
FFC at the Finále Pilsen 2024
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This year's programme included several films that will be screened at the FilmFestival Cottbus at the beginning of November, including… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-09-25 12:57:19 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2024-09-25 12:57:19 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1350 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 419 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 133 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 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ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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This year's programme included several films that will be screened at the FilmFestival Cottbus at the beginning of November, including… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/71a42ae7863301ba46b5e226eaecf171_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/71a42ae7863301ba46b5e226eaecf171_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/71a42ae7863301ba46b5e226eaecf171_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/71a42ae7863301ba46b5e226eaecf171_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Programme Director Bernd Buder at the ‘Finále Pilsen’ The ‘Finále Pilsen’, the largest national film festival in the Czech Republic, presents an overview of the highlights of Czech cinema every year in mid-September - from student films to TV series, from experimental documentaries to flashy blockbusters. This year's programme included several films that will be screened at the FilmFestival Cottbus at the beginning of November, including…
24. September 2024
Our new advisors for the FFC2024
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2181 [title] => Our new advisors for the FFC2024 [alias] => our-new-advisors-for-the-ffc2024 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => This year, the dedicated festival advisors at FilmFestival Cottbus 2024 will advise the programme department on Turkey, Azerbaijan and Central Asia. They are also curating an exciting film series about Czech female directors and the section Heimat | Domownja | Domizna. Başak Emre is a producer and festival director. She was a member of the Ankara Film Festival board from 1992 to 1995. 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ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Marthe [email] => m.gaertner@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$iXL.eRKl5xcCYRKP0SMVzuwgkj7dbEPeLJdDQXweWY0mJgCwth3Vy [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2024-09-03 06:13:40 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-11-12 12:36:26 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => 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They are also curating an exciting film series about Czech female directors and the section Heimat | Domownja | Domizna. Başak Emre is a producer and festival director. She was a member of the Ankara Film Festival board from 1992 to 1995. From… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/ff336f2665fe8bd02bf108a99b6df90e_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/ff336f2665fe8bd02bf108a99b6df90e_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/ff336f2665fe8bd02bf108a99b6df90e_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/ff336f2665fe8bd02bf108a99b6df90e_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
This year, the dedicated festival advisors at FilmFestival Cottbus 2024 will advise the programme department on Turkey, Azerbaijan and Central Asia. They are also curating an exciting film series about Czech female directors and the section Heimat | Domownja | Domizna. Başak Emre is a producer and festival director. She was a member of the Ankara Film Festival board from 1992 to 1995. From…
18. September 2024
Accreditation for the FilmFestival Cottbus 2024 - Register now!
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After this date, the regular price… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-09-18 09:33:45 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-09-18 13:06:39 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-09-18 09:33:45 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1345 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 414 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 159 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 [userItemIntroText] 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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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From 5 to 10 November 2024, you can expect outstanding films and unique experiences. You can now apply for accreditation for the festival. Early booking offer: Take advantage of our exclusive early bird offer and secure your accreditation at the reduced price of 45 euros until 15 October 2024. 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The FilmFestival Cottbus (FFC) 2024 is just around the corner! From 5 to 10 November 2024, you can expect outstanding films and unique experiences. You can now apply for accreditation for the festival. Early booking offer: Take advantage of our exclusive early bird offer and secure your accreditation at the reduced price of 45 euros until 15 October 2024. After this date, the regular price…
16. September 2024
Early Bird-Student Passes available!
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Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, 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From 5 to 10 November 2024, you will have the chance to experience extraordinary films and unique events. This year, we are offering students a special opportunity: 34 Early Bird accreditations at the discounted price of just 20 euros! These Early Bird Student- Pass… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/c9a74589709dbb1f577a8098addf6a36_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/c9a74589709dbb1f577a8098addf6a36_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/c9a74589709dbb1f577a8098addf6a36_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/c9a74589709dbb1f577a8098addf6a36_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Early Bird-Student-Passes for Students at the Cottbus Film Festival 2024 The Cottbus Film Festival (FFC) 2024 is just around the corner! From 5 to 10 November 2024, you will have the chance to experience extraordinary films and unique events. This year, we are offering students a special opportunity: 34 Early Bird accreditations at the discounted price of just 20 euros! These Early Bird Student- Pass…
16. September 2024
filmPolska running in Berlin
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Xawery Zuławski's swirling eco-coming-of-age zombie dramedy about a group of high school students in a party mood who attract the attention… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-09-16 11:56:27 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-09-16 13:50:10 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-09-16 11:56:27 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1340 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 411 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 110 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 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ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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The FFC is a guest here every year with a presentation; last Saturday, programme director Bernd Buder presented IT CAME FROM THE SEA. Xawery Zuławski's swirling eco-coming-of-age zombie dramedy about a group of high school students in a party mood who attract the attention… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/29666f18c8ad683bd36c77f4cd10ec88_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/29666f18c8ad683bd36c77f4cd10ec88_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/29666f18c8ad683bd36c77f4cd10ec88_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/29666f18c8ad683bd36c77f4cd10ec88_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
The largest Polish film festival outside Poland - filmPOLSKA - is taking place in various Berlin cinemas until Wednesday, 18 September. The FFC is a guest here every year with a presentation; last Saturday, programme director Bernd Buder presented IT CAME FROM THE SEA. Xawery Zuławski's swirling eco-coming-of-age zombie dramedy about a group of high school students in a party mood who attract the attention…
13. September 2024
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2168 [title] => PICKASTORY AUDIENCE LOGLINE AWARD [alias] => pickastory-audience-logline-award [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Great news! We are happy to announce a new cash award for Pickastory 2024, sponsored by Film Center Serbia. Pickastory is a competition at the FilmFestival Cottbus that focuses on the basic idea for a film, involving the audience from the very beginning—a crucially important point of view when it comes to filmmaking, which is often overlooked. Deadline: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 (midnight CEST). 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ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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We are happy to announce a new cash award for Pickastory 2024, sponsored by Film Center Serbia. Pickastory is a competition at the FilmFestival Cottbus that focuses on the basic idea for a film, involving the audience from the very beginning—a crucially important point of view when it comes to filmmaking, which is often overlooked. Deadline: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 (midnight CEST). 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Great news! We are happy to announce a new cash award for Pickastory 2024, sponsored by Film Center Serbia. Pickastory is a competition at the FilmFestival Cottbus that focuses on the basic idea for a film, involving the audience from the very beginning—a crucially important point of view when it comes to filmmaking, which is often overlooked. Deadline: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 (midnight CEST). The…
10. September 2024
We are looking for you!
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2166 [title] => We are looking for you! [alias] => we-are-looking-for-you-202409100923 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Looking for event support for the 34rd FFC in November! Become a part of this great festival and apply now as an event assistant during the festival week from November 5th to 11th. We need you, among other things, for a smooth organisation of our 4 venues. FilmFestival Cottbus is the leading international festival of Eastern European film. For six days, all of Cottbus is… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-09-10 09:19:09 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-09-30 08:28:10 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-09-10 09:19:09 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1335 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 387 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 191 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 [userItemIntroText] => 1 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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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/en/about-en/news-en.html ) [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/we-are-looking-for-you-202409100923.html [printLink] => /en/about-en/news-en/we-are-looking-for-you-202409100923.html?tmpl=component&print=1 [imageXSmall] => /media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_XS.jpg [imageSmall] => /media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_S.jpg [imageMedium] => /media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_M.jpg [imageLarge] => /media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_L.jpg [imageXLarge] => /media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_XL.jpg [imageGeneric] => /media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_Generic.jpg [imageProperties] => stdClass Object ( [filenamePrefix] => a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475 [pathPrefix] => /media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475 ) [rawTitle] => We are looking for you! [author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 803 [name] => Marthe Gärtner [username] => Marthe [email] => m.gaertner@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$iXL.eRKl5xcCYRKP0SMVzuwgkj7dbEPeLJdDQXweWY0mJgCwth3Vy [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2024-09-03 06:13:40 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-11-12 12:36:26 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/803-marthegartner.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/b238405d1997f48213062d34f2b37884?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 12 [gender] => n [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => Looking for event support for the 34rd FFC in November! Become a part of this great festival and apply now as an event assistant during the festival week from November 5th to 11th. We need you, among other things, for a smooth organisation of our 4 venues. FilmFestival Cottbus is the leading international festival of Eastern European film. For six days, all of Cottbus is… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/a199a6337ec746064a3cf56a9850e475_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Looking for event support for the 34rd FFC in November! Become a part of this great festival and apply now as an event assistant during the festival week from November 5th to 11th. We need you, among other things, for a smooth organisation of our 4 venues. FilmFestival Cottbus is the leading international festival of Eastern European film. For six days, all of Cottbus is…
05. September 2024
Application open for Pickastory 2024
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2163 [title] => Application open for Pickastory 2024 [alias] => application-open-for-pickastory-2024 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Pickastory is a competition at the FilmFestival Cottbus that focusses on the basic idea for a film, involving THE AUDIENCE from the very beginning, a crucially important point of view when it comes to filmmaking, which is often overlooked. This year, for the 5th time the audience of the FilmFestival Cottbus will be able to vote for their favorite film idea, choosing from a list… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-09-05 08:18:28 [created_by] => 803 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-09-06 07:32:41 [modified_by] => 803 [publish_up] => 2024-09-05 08:18:28 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1332 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => Send us your film ideas!! Once again, we are looking for fresh new film ideas in form of a catchy logline – and the audience will pick the story they want to see on the big screen. [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 316 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 [userItemIntroText] => 1 [userItemCategory] => 1 [userItemTags] => 1 [userItemCommentsAnchor] => 1 [userItemReadMore] => 1 [userItemK2Plugins] => 1 [tagItemCount] => 10 [tagItemTitle] => 1 [tagItemTitleLinked] => 1 [tagItemDateCreated] => 1 [tagItemImage] => 1 [tagItemIntroText] => 1 [tagItemCategory] => 1 [tagItemReadMore] => 1 [tagItemExtraFields] => 0 [tagOrdering] => [tagFeedLink] => 1 [tagFeedIcon] => 1 [genericItemCount] => 10 [genericItemTitle] => 1 [genericItemTitleLinked] => 1 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0 [showTagFilter] => 0 [k2TagNorm] => 0 [k2TagNormCase] => lower [k2TagNormAdditionalReplacements] => [recaptcha_public_key] => [recaptcha_private_key] => [recaptcha_theme] => clean [recaptchaV2] => 1 [recaptchaOnRegistration] => 0 [akismetApiKey] => [stopForumSpam] => 0 [stopForumSpamApiKey] => [profilePageDisplay] => 0 [showItemsCounterAdmin] => 1 [showChildCatItems] => 1 [disableCompactOrdering] => 0 [metaDescLimit] => 150 [enforceSEFReplacements] => 0 [SEFReplacements] => À|A, Á|A, Â|A, Ã|A, Ä|A, Å|A, à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => 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Pickastory is a competition at the FilmFestival Cottbus that focusses on the basic idea for a film, involving THE AUDIENCE from the very beginning, a crucially important point of view when it comes to filmmaking, which is often overlooked. This year, for the 5th time the audience of the FilmFestival Cottbus will be able to vote for their favorite film idea, choosing from a list…
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2162 [title] => FFC meets filmPolska in Berlin: An exchange of cinematic highlights [alias] => filmfestival-cottbus-trifft-filmpolska-in-berlin-ein-austausch-von-filmischen-highlights-2162 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => We are delighted that two films from our last festival edition will be presented at this year's filmPolska in Berlin! The intense drama IMAGO (director: Olga Chajdas, PL/CZ, 2023) and the wild zombie comedy APOKAWIXA (director: Xawery Żuławski, PL, 2022), which we are presenting ourselves! We also have a sneak preview of this year's program: The action film SCARBORN (directed by Paweł Maślona, PL, 2023)… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-08-30 12:15:56 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-08-30 12:18:01 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2024-08-30 12:03:33 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1331 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 101 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 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The intense drama IMAGO (director: Olga Chajdas, PL/CZ, 2023) and the wild zombie comedy APOKAWIXA (director: Xawery Żuławski, PL, 2022), which we are presenting ourselves! We also have a sneak preview of this year's program: The action film SCARBORN (directed by Paweł Maślona, PL, 2023)… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f11a6d44839717be472e282e358dc0ab_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f11a6d44839717be472e282e358dc0ab_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f11a6d44839717be472e282e358dc0ab_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/f11a6d44839717be472e282e358dc0ab_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
We are delighted that two films from our last festival edition will be presented at this year's filmPolska in Berlin! The intense drama IMAGO (director: Olga Chajdas, PL/CZ, 2023) and the wild zombie comedy APOKAWIXA (director: Xawery Żuławski, PL, 2022), which we are presenting ourselves! We also have a sneak preview of this year's program: The action film SCARBORN (directed by Paweł Maślona, PL, 2023)…
23. August 2024
Sarajevo Film Festival
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2160 [title] => Sarajevo Film Festival [alias] => sarajevo-film-festival-2160 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The Sarajevo Film Festival took place for the 30th time this year. Founded during the siege of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Yugoslavian wars, it quickly developed into the most important festival in the region. It still plays this role today and has also earned itself a reputation as an international player. The extensive film programme is flanked by the industry meeting… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-08-23 08:00:59 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-08-23 08:29:13 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2024-08-23 07:23:09 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1329 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => Obala Art Center [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 179 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, 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Founded during the siege of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Yugoslavian wars, it quickly developed into the most important festival in the region. It still plays this role today and has also earned itself a reputation as an international player. The extensive film programme is flanked by the industry meeting… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/542281a194ecac6fdeb498b5f212dc5c_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/542281a194ecac6fdeb498b5f212dc5c_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/542281a194ecac6fdeb498b5f212dc5c_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/542281a194ecac6fdeb498b5f212dc5c_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
The Sarajevo Film Festival took place for the 30th time this year. Founded during the siege of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Yugoslavian wars, it quickly developed into the most important festival in the region. It still plays this role today and has also earned itself a reputation as an international player. The extensive film programme is flanked by the industry meeting…
07. August 2024
Lausitzer Kurzfilmabend KALEIDOSKOP
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2158 [title] => Lausitzer Kurzfilmabend KALEIDOSKOP [alias] => lausitzer-kurzfilmabend-kaleidoskop [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Dein Film auf der großen Leinwand?! Vom Spreewald über das Lausitzer Seenland bis ins Zittauer Gebirge – wir wollen Eure Filme zeigen und das auf einer großen Leinwand. Der Filmabend im Vorfeld des FilmFestival Cottbus soll die große Bandbreite des Lausitzer Filmschaffens zeigen. Mit jedem Dreh des Kaleidoskops eröffnet sich ein neuer überraschender Blick! Dafür seid ihr gefragt: absolute Beginner, Medienpädagogen, Nachwuchsfilmer oder erfahrene Filmschaffende… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2024-08-07 08:27:14 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2024-08-07 08:27:14 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1327 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 785 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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