Das Märchen von der Zauberflöte
The Fairy Tale of the Magic Flute

DAS MÄRCHEN VON DER ZAUBERFLÖTE (WDR/ARD) is already the 56th fairy tale produced for the ARD series "Sechs auf einen Streich". It is an adaptation of "Lulu und die Zauberflöte" by Christoph Martin Wieland and the libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder from the opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
In order to reach Sarastro's palace, Tamino must pass several tests and learn to transform from a selfish trickster into an upright hero. Papageno, meanwhile, who dreams of great love, befriends a helpful bird that assists them in their quest. Even before the two arrive at Sarastro's castle, Pamina manages to escape. But it soon turns out that everything is quite different than it first seemed. It is not Sarastros who strives for perfect power. Will Pamina, Tamino and Papageno succeed in recognizing their true enemies and preserving the balance between day and night? (Text from rbb)
Amin Oussar
Lena Tiffert
Jessica Schwarz (Königin der Nacht)
Ilyes Raoul (Tamino)
Dimitri Abold (Papageno)
Harriet Herbig-Matten (Pamina)
Waldemar Kobus (Sarastro)

Marvin Litwak - began his first steps in film in 2008 as a camera assistant for various TV formats. He studied film and directing at the Ruhrakademie art academy and shot his first documentaries there. From 2012-2016 he realised his first feature film PAWO. In 2020, he shot the four-part dramedy ETHNO for WDR and ARD and founded the production company FYNAL. Parwin's works have won over 21 national and international film awards, most recently the Spottlight and MAX Award 2021.
2016 PAWO
2020 ETHNO