Varjakka in northern Finland is dominated by the Laestadian religious community - a Lutheran sect. Inspector Lauri Räihä grew up here, but then severed all ties. Now the brutal murders of two community leaders confront him with his past and also with his own propensity for violence: he has beaten his life partner and stopped couples therapy. Lauri's colleague Sanna is also struggling with her life, but especially her miserable relationship with her own daughter. Together they investigate a corrupt environment dominated by hatred, greed and bigotry. The second season deals with a double murder at a time when Lauri was still living in the community, and in the third season Lauri and Sanna return to Varjakka when the former police chief is murdered. The FFC will show the entire x-hour series: the first and second seasons will be repeated, and the third season will have its premiere in the German version.
Text: Wolfgang Martin Hamdorf
Venla Aakko and Mika Ronkainen
Jani Kumpulainen
Seppo Vanhatalo
Päivi Kettunen
Jussi Jaakonaho
Maria Sid
Johannes Holopainen
Matti Ristinen
Jaakko Ohtonen
Inka Kallén
Task Film

Mika Ronkainen - After having worked fifteen years with documentary flms, Mika Ronkainen (born 1970) ventured into the world of scripted drama in 2018. He directed and co-created/wrote his frst drama series All the Sins, which was awarded with Nordisk Film & TV Fond Prize for Outstanding Scriptwritng at 2019 Göteborg Film Festval and nominated for Golden Eye Award for Best Internatonal Series at 2019 Zurich Film Festval. Ronkainen was selected among Variety's Ten European Directors to Watch in 2013 for his latest flm, Finnish Blood Swedish Heart, which was awarded with two Finnish Oscars (Jussi Awards) for Best Documentary and Best Music.