The wild 60s are in full swing. Born from the traditional music of Kazakhstan, Dos-Mukasan becomes the rising star with elements of pop. But this doesn't just make them friends, both at home and with the Soviet leadership. For some it's too much tradition, for others it's not enough. In between, the band tries to go their own way despite concert bans and reprisals and at the same time the individual band members start to ponder what the best path for their own future could be. Full of bright colors and captivating music, Aidan Sakhaman stages a band biopic about one of the most successful Kazakh bands of all time and gives a deep insight into the Kazakh zeitgeist of the time.
Text: Joshua Jádi
The film will be shown at Weltspiegel in the original language with English subtitles and simultaneously translated into German. Headphones are available free of charge in exchange for a deposit in the cinema foyer.
The film will be shown at Obenkino in the original language and with English subtitles. No translation into German!
Efrat Sharipov
Sabit Semetayev
Sergey Lobanov
Nurbolat Zhapakov
Alexander Shevchenko
Meirgat Amangeldin
Maksat Sabitov
Abilmansur Serikov
Eldos Shaikenov
Sayat Makulbayev
Nurgisa Quanyshbaiuly
Aiganym Sagynbaeva
Baqytgul Serikbayeva

Aidan Sakhaman - in 2006 he completed his acting studies at the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, in 2008 his directing studies (class of A. Aytuarov) and in 2014 he received a PhD from this academy. He was also trained at the Film Directing Department of VGIK in Russia (V. Khotinenko's workshop) and at the Andrzej Vajda College of Directing in Poland. He has directed numerous theatre productions, short films and TV series.
“Anazhan (Mother's Heart)” (2019)
“That at any cost (Wedding at any cost)” (2018)