Section: Children's Film



Soleen Yusef
DE, 2024, 119 Min

11-year-old Mona fled Syria and now has to establish herself at her new school in Berlin. She is bullied as a refugee however and immediately adopts a victim mentality. It is only when she displays her footballing talent and is accepted into the school's girls' team that the tide turns... will the girls manage to become a real team?


#feature #diversity #friendship

Mona was forced to flee Rojava in Syria together with her Kurdish family; her new home is in the Wedding district of Berlin. Her new school is wild however; her classmates are loud and disrespectful in their interactions with each other and with the teachers. Luckily however her inspired teacher Mr. "Che" Chepovsky recognises Mona's footballing talent; the school's girls' team even has the opportunity to take part in the Berlin school championships! Playing together with the other girls proves more difficult than expected however: everyone plays for themselves and yet only together can they win. Arguments and nasty pranks almost lead to them not being allowed to compete in the championships at all and yet a powerful speech from Mona to the teachers secures their participation. Despite the many detours, they ultimately manage to win together; as a team.

SIEGER SEIN deals with flight, migration and school problems and speaks, in doing so, of the power of solidarity and team spirit.

Text: Anke Donnerstag

06.11.2024 | 10:00 | Stadthalle (Original/German version)

Soleen Yusef
Stephan Burchardt
Sebastian Schmidt, Marty Schenk
Marty Schenk
Boris Rogowski, David Menke
Sonja Schmitt, Marc Schmidheiny, Christoph Daniel
DCM Pictures GmbH
Boje Buck Produktion

Soleen Yusef -

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