08.11.2024 | 19:00 | Weltspiegel Großer Saal (OmU, Englisch + Deutsch)
10.11.2024 | 10:00 | Weltspiegel Saal 2 (OmU, Englisch + Deutsch)
Ana Drăghic
Ana Drăghic
Rareș Marinoiu, Ștefan Buculeasa
Anastaseu Ștefan - Anastaseu Ștefan is a trans emerging director. He graduated in film directing before shifting his focus to film acting, pursuing a master’s degree in the field to better understand how to work with actors. He was part of a cultural-activist project and developped among other activits a community radio for the Roma communities in Pata Rât, Cluj, who were evacuated near on of the biggest toxic waste depository. For him, activism, politics, and film are crucially interconnected. He believes it’s important to occupy space in political matters, whether virtual, auditory, or physical, in solidarity with those whose voices are silenced. Currently, he works as a community builder for the F-Sides Chapters project, which aimes to educate teenagers from all of the country about feminism through films. He believes it's crucial for teenagers to have political education that's also fun, so his motto is: "Give me 10 seconds and I'll find a meme to explain patriarchy."