The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son
The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son
French public prosecutor Catherine Lagrange is determined to bring Serbian Chetnik leader Krstić to justice over accusations of mass murder. Her opposite number is Mikhail Finn, a Swede with Russian roots. Initially everything runs according to plan from the prosecution's point of view, with the hope being that the evidence of witness Dejan Palić will prove decisive. Palić is prepared to testify about atrocities committed by his unit during the war. Led by an intuitive scepticism apropos Dejan's reliability, Mikhail travels to Bosnia in search of Dejan's family, who hitherto considered their son missing in action. By confronting father and son Mikhail is hoping for a turning point in the case.
In this legal drama Bulgarian director Iglika Triffonova, ably assisted by an international cast, remains neutral, as she patiently raises a series of important issues with tact and compassion, leaving it instead to the viewer to make conclusions. CB
DCP | Farbe / colour
Iglika Triffonova
Rali Ralchev
Toma Waszarow
Hubert Pouille
Romane Bohringer, Samuel Fröler, Izudin Bajrović, Ovanes Torosyan, Nermina Lukač, Krassimir Dokov
Filmlance International AB, Phanta Vision
EastWest Filmdistribution GmbH
Octavia Peyrou
Lerchengasse 24/25
1080 Vienna
Tel.: +43.660.863.39 97

Iglika Triffonova - born 1957 in Sofia, Bulgaria. She studied film and TV at the National Academy of Theatre and Film Art in Sofia, before starting her career with a series of documentaries. These received several awards at national as well as international film festivals.
LETO GOSPODNE (1990, doc)
RAZKAZI ZA UBIYSTVA (1993, short, doc)
PO PATYA (1995, doc)
PISMO DO AMERIKA (2001, Cottbus 2006)
RAZSLEDVANE (2006, Cottbus 2007)