Sektion: MIOB



Damian Kocur, Anastasia Solonevych
PL7UA, 2023, 15 Min

Nach einem Streit mit ihrem Freund fährt eine junge Frau nach Hause. Dort spielt sie Piano, feiert, spaziert durch den Sonnenaufgang. Alles scheint normal, aber nichts ist normal, denn zu Hause ist Kyjiw. Zarter Film über den Versuch eines Alltagslebens inmitten des Krieges.

#short #diversity #generations

Teil des Programms MIOB IN SHORTS 1

09.11.2024 | 19:00 | Obenkino (OmeU)

Anastasiia Solonevych, Damian Kocur
Damian Kocur
Tadeusz Chudy, Łukasz Kaczmarski
Damian Kocur
Valeriia Berezovska, Kyrylo Zemlyanyi, Olena Korohod, Sofiia Berezovska
Piotr Steczek / EXA Studio
Mikołaj Lizut / Lizart Film

Damian Kocur, Anastasia Solonevych - DAMIAN KOCUR is a director and cinematographer. A graduate of the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School in Katowice and a PhD student at the Film School in Łódź. He is the author of the internationally awarded feature debut "Bread and Salt" (awarded, among others, at festivals in Venice, Cairo, Cottbus, Antalya, Gijon, Bratislava and Gdynia) and several shorts. As a filmmaker, he keeps track of the credibility of emotions on the screen, and considers the authenticity of the characters and their stories to be his most important goal.

Anastasia Solonevych is a debut director from Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2020, she graduated from the department of Film and Television Directing at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. As a director, Anastasia has made music videos, one of which won the music video section at the International Prague Film Festival in 2022.  Since 2017, she has been working as a 1st AD, as well as in other positions in commercials, feature films and TV series.

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